Speak with greater clarity and confidence, expand your physical and vocal presence, become more inspirational and effective, all while honoring your unique voice. Having studied at Brown University and The Juilliard School, I use my training and professional acting/directing experience to help you access your power when speaking, presenting or leading both in-person or virtually.
While there are endless YouTube videos, TED talks and books written about public speaking and persuasive communication, at the end of the day, it takes guided practice and a personalized approach to really make the difference. It’s why athletes train, actors rehearse and musicians practice. You can get better, and the best way to do that is to work with someone who tailors a curriculum to what you need specifically. I can help you hone your strengths, break bad habits, channel nervous energy into constructive enthusiasm, tap into your creativity, and connect with what you really want to say.
Begin with a free 20 minute consultation so sessions can be designed to meet your individual needs.
“Claire is an excellent public speaking/presentation coach; she offered me meaningful guidance and tips that I can implement immediately with a direct yet caring and compassionate communication style. Claire’s approach to presenting is practical while also fun – she offered a range of tools and techniques spanning creative preparation exercises to lighting considerations that were tailored to my needs. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted our consultation session virtually which is no easy feat – it was as though Claire was right there with me offering concrete feedback concerning how I can strengthen skills not only in-person, but also virtually. I look forward to working with her again!”
— Olivia Gell, Executive Director
“Claire is a fantastic and enlightening public speaking coach! Her background in acting and directing enable her to provide highly-effective tips that you can easily incorporate when presenting to a large audience. Claire’s approach is practical and intuitive and helps to get across the emotional feeling of your talking points. Her coaching style resonates well with me and I look forward to continuing to utilize Claire’s influential techniques.”
— Anish Michael, Chief Executive Officer
“Working with Claire was an absolute pleasure! Her many years of acting and coaching translate into a one-on-one experience that is immediately comfortable and produces improvements even during the first session. Her positivity and patience put me at ease (I was a little nervous heading into this), and we were able to focus not only on the issues that I was seeking to improve, but also on some other behaviors that I didn’t even know needed work. Every step of the way was clear and welcoming. I would recommend Claire to anyone looking to improve their “stage presence” and persuasive speaking techniques, both of which are vital in the Zoom/virtual world in which we’re living.”
— Joey Kotfica, Marketing Director
“Claire’s coaching style will immediately set you at ease! The initial consultation meant our follow-on coaching session was expertly tailored to help me optimize my public speaking style. Within just sixty minutes Claire was able to provide me with a range of techniques for enhancing my presentation style, and making adjusts to be most impactful in a virtual setting. From using your vocal range to boost your impact and finding a point of personal connection with your presentation materials, Claire introduced me to a range of easy-to-apply acting techniques which I anticipate may even make public speaking fun in the future!”
— Chloe Halpin, Executive Director
“Seeing public speaking situations through an acting lens is a totally fresh approach that I find energizing and effective. Applying acting techniques to public speaking was an “aha” moment for me. Working with Claire is a game-changer!”
— Lara Tilley-Bouez, Corporate Vice President
“Such a valuable hour! I thoroughly enjoyed working with Claire to hone my presentation skills in a virtual environment. In addition to a suite of practical tips and tricks, Claire gave me a thoughtful evaluation and concrete feedback. I finished our session inspired to use the new tools and ideas Claire provided to improve my performance and become a more effective speaker.”
— Jennifer Ruden, Assistant Vice President